Consulting works for North Rumaila Road Road Length 14.3 Km Scope Of Work: -Topographical Surveys -Detailed road designs -Road Layer Designs -Facility design works -Engineering supervision of implementation works -Engineering ...
Investor Name: Jawharat Al-Rafidain Company for Investments . Scope of Work: Topographic Survey Urban Planning Detailed Designs &Engineering Supervisions of all the infrastructure works ( Water, Sewage, Electrical, paving and ...
Description of the work: The work includes soil investigations, architect, structural, health, mechanic, electrical designs and scales of quantities. Provide the necessary documents for this project in the following Cities: ...
Site The area of the mid-Tigris project is located in Wasit province within the jurisdiction of Essaouira and Numaniyeh between two latitudes (26°32 – 06°33) north and two length lines ...
Project location: The project’s land, which is covered by the Upper Zab River, the South of Mosul, lies on the left side of the Tigris River and extends between two ...
Site The project’s territory is located in three provinces: Najaf, Diwaniyah and Babylon. The project area is located in the Euphrates River basin between the cities of Kifal and Shanavia, ...
Description of the work: Topographical survey of the rivers and the bassor distance along ()km. Submit an environmental report on rivers. Work study and designs for the development of rivers.
Scope of Work: It is Mile stone Project and a Lead experience took place in Iraq , and achieved in Dujaila River / Kut city with Total Length about 350 ...